Walking Away From My Start-Up

This is the start of a new chapter, and it’s one that I am excited to share with you. The sale of my half of The Everygirl is now finalized. I am no longer an owner and am no longer a part of The Everygirl or The Everymom. This is not sad news! It is a very good thing for me, and for my family, too. 

Walking Away From My Start-Up


At first, I stepped down to get Margot through treatment with a plan to return in early 2021. The decision to step down was a privilege that I am grateful for. Walking away from a growing business is probably not what most people would do, but I’m not most people anymore. I know each day isn’t promised. I know what it’s like to live in a hospital. That each day is a gift.

Life is different. I am different. I only have it in me to focus on what matters and what I enjoy. Having both Anecdote and my blog made the decision to leave a lot easier, too. I have two things I am excited about that I can work on with flexibility. 

Walking away from my start-up was the right move for me

There’s so much less pressure now. I love working for myself, taking on the partnerships I want to take on, posting when it feels right, and flexibility. My days are slower, I’m less stressed, taking better care of myself, and I have more time with my girls. Life feels really good. 

I lost sight of my “why”

I asked myself why I started this business, and the purpose wasn’t there for me anymore. If I’m being honest, I wasn’t happy. That’s not to say the sight wasn’t great, because it was and is! But the work, the management, and the behind the scenes wasn’t for me. I knew I would have zero regrets leaving. And more about creating a ton of content than sharing real life and things that inspire. 

Ultimately, I wasn’t happy

For years, my friends were ran blogs told me step down, slow down, and do my own thing. I was completely depleted and overextended. I wasn’t having fun. The excitement and urge to create was no longer there. My passion had changed. 

I am a little nervous but mostly excited to share this news with you. I’m proud of the community I helped build, the connections I made along the way, and the women that were a part of our team throughout the years. This is a good thing and was the best decision for me and my family. Thank you all for your support.