2016 was one of my best years yet. One that came with big changes, lots of good, and some not so great moments, too. I’ve always been pretty upfront about things I’m struggling with but right now, I’d like to focus on some of my favorite moments from 2016.

The Best of 2016

Conor and I celebrated our one year anniversary

We also moved in together a few months later, and got a new rescue dog. The Everygirl grew our team with two new full-time employees and our first office and I can’t forget that photo shoot at the White House. I brought back my blog and have posted pretty consistently since May which is a record/miracle. I also got to work with some incredible brands this year, hosted a few events, shared my home tour on The Everygirl, took on some design clients and photo shoots, spoke on a few panels, and wrote an article for the September issue of Rue Magazine.

This was a big travel year for me.

One that included trips to Buenos Aires, Mendoza, Reykjavik, Florence, Tuscany, Rome, Paris, New York (2x), Dallas, Los Angeles (2x), San Francisco, Sonoma, Santa Barbara, Washington DC (where we had a shoot in the First Lady’s office), and finally, Copenhagen. I left the country more times this year than I have in my entire life.

Looking back

Whenever one year ends and another begins I can’t help but look back at how much things have changed since making the move from Los Angeles to Chicago back in 2010. Next month will mark 6.5 years in this city and those years have come with their ups and downs, but it was less than 7 years ago that I was feeling lost and unhappy on the west coast. There’s been stress, shingles, surgeries, and some family stuff,but life feels infinitely better than it used to, and this was one of my most memorable years to date. My story is proof that no matter how stuck you may feel, things can do a 180 faster than you might think.

So here’s a brief recap of the year with a few photos–most pulled from Instagram, naturally.

My first international trip of the year to Buenos Aires and Mendoza, Argentina

screen-shot-2016-12-03-at-11-56-19-amA 3 day press trip to Reykjavik, Iceland

A photo shoot for The Everygirl at the White House. We went inside the FLOTUS office and met the first dogs!
Reunited with one of my oldest Childhood friends in NYC | Here’s a blurry pic of us together
I relaunched my blogdanielle moss website-5shared my home tour on The Everygirl and Jenna Kutcher came to town to shoot my home tour video

Conor and I traveled to Tuscany, Florence, and Rome (recapped our trip here, here, and here)danielle-moss-florence-27
I flew over Tuscany in a hot air balloon


How to Spend a Week in Paris


And was reunited with my friend Jess Lively in Rome!Processed with VSCO with s2 presetI visited Paris for the second time

My oldest friend flew from LA to Chicago for the weekend and my second-oldest friend flew in a few weeks later
We finally moved into The Everygirl offices!
Screen Shot 2016-09-04 at 8.41.31 AM
Conor and I threw a joint rooftop birthday party
And we decided to move in together, too. My first time living with someone.

And just a few weeks later, road tripped across California, starting in Sonoma

Then San Francisco
And Big Sur where we stayed in a Yurt
Then to Santa Barbara where Conor met one of my closest friends of (almost) 11 years

And finally, our trip ended in LA where I was a bridesmaid in my friend Jodee’s wedding
We returned from California to our new pup and newly renovated home
And one month later, had a working kitchen!

I booked a handful of family portrait sessions this fall
Thanksgiving was spent in New York City
Followed by 3 days in Copenhagen, Denmark
I made it home just in time to finish up holiday content, dive into Christmas, and to spend my holiday break relaxing at home. The year wasn’t perfect but the highs were some of the best yet. I’m grateful for my people, health, and a job that I love. Excited to see what 2017 will bring.

What were some of the highlights of your year? What’s one wish you have for 2017?

Portrait by Katie Kett