Whenever I post photos that were taken with my mirrorless camera, I get asked what kind of camera I use. Two years later, you can now visit my blog, search “digital camera” or “mirrorless camera” and this post will show up. You’re welcome and also, sorry it took me over 730 days to make this happen. I’ve used quite a few cameras, and finally found the perfect one. Today, I’m going to share what I think is the best mirrorless camera for family photos and blogging. 


The Best Mirrorless Camera for Family Photos and Blogging


I got my start with a Canon Rebel, then a 7D, and eventually, a 5D Mark iii. Then I bounced back and forth between the Fuji X100T and Sony A7. Both fine cameras but I didn’t love either one that much. Carrying a DSLR is a pain, but always felt worth it until I had kids – then it was just too much. The Fuji and Sony were smaller but both made me miss having a canon.

When my friend Kelly wouldn’t stop raving about her Canon EOS R (a smaller mirrorless camera) and RF 35mm lens, I ordered them both the same day. Again, this was two years ago so it’s old news, but it’s me, so here I am talking about it hundreds and hundreds of days later. The camera is an investment, but it’s one that felt worth it to me. I sold my larger 35mm lens which covered half the cost, I’d be able to capture better family photos, and take better photos for my blog. It it was an easy sell.

I bought this camera in July 2019, so it’s been exactly two years, and I love it. Photography wasn’t exactly my thing the last year, but I’m back, and it’s been so fun capturing these moments that we’ll treasure forever. 

These photos are unedited, straight out of the camera, and shot in manual mode. 

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Here’s what I love about the EOS R and RF 35MM

The camera is significantly smaller than my Mark iii and weighed over 3 lbs.

The RF lenses are pretty amazing. My 35mm 1.4L was big (never wanted to carry it around) and over 3x the cost of the RF, which, as you can see here, takes beautiful photos. 

It’s easy to use. I do shoot manual, but it’s easy to learn – the touch screen makes it pretty simple. If you’re just starting out, I recommend AV (aperture priority) mode. The touch screen is amazing, too. I can’t say enough good things about the user experience. 

The wifi makes it so easy to easily transfer photos to your phone. You just connect the camera to your phone (which you can do anywhere), transfer your favorite images, and voila! Edit (or don’t – these are unedited so you can see what this camera can do) and done. 

If you have any Canon EF lenses, you can connect them with this adapter. It is pretty small but definitely adds some bulk, so I wouldn’t recommend this when you’re running around with kids because it makes everything bigger and heavier, but I did try using my 50mm 1.4L this weekend and I’m in love. 


So like I said, not technical and probably not much of a review, but out of all the cameras I’ve used, this one is my favorite, and I highly recommend it for blogging and family photography. 


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