Should I Change My Last Name?

I always thought I’d want to change my last name when I got married. At first I was excited, so much that I ordered a monogrammed makeup bag and pajamas with DMS, keeping Moss as a middle name. Then I got engaged and was faced with the reality of changing my identity. 


Should I Change My Last Name?


Ok, maybe I’m being a little dramatic. But am I?

My situation is different than most since I’ve already had a different last name. 

Twice. I started going by my stepdad’s last name in elementary school before my mom and stepdad divorced when I was in high school causing a mini identity crisis. My relationship with my dad was mostly non-existent at the time so I decided to legally change my last name to my maternal grandfather’s last name. We were always so close and he only had one child who changed her name when she got married.

I’m the only Moss left.

As I got older, grew my business and brand. It was my plan to use Moss professionally and Conor’s last name personally. What does my future husband think? His only opinions are that I shouldn’t change my name professionally and that if it were him, he wouldn’t want to change his last name at all. So breezy.

I feel so tied to Moss, but I’m a little torn. There’s this part of me that defines families by their last name because, well, tradition. When I go back to the feeling of being the only one in my family with a different name, I think I should do it. I feel really conflicted and ultimately can’t imagine changing my name.

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