How to Recharge

How many times have you answered “how are you?” with the word busy? It’s something I try not to do, but things always feel so nonstop that it often feels like the only thing that makes sense. After all, launching a second website, managing my blog, prepping to have a baby and move to a new home all at once feels like a lot. But after working for myself for over a decade, I’ve learned that no matter how busy things are, it is essential to create time to unplug and connect with others. Let’s talk about how to recharge and connect during the work week.


How to Recharge and Connect During the Work Week


I love my me time, but spending time with the people I love being around is exactly what I need to feel recharged and inspired. I am so excited to partner with American Express – a company I’ve worked with in the past and one that’s part of my everyday life – to motivate you to slow down, disconnect from the day-to-day, and to connect with the people who matter most. Here are a few ways I recharge and connect during the work week.

How to Recharge

Lunch and coffee dates

Having lunch with a friend might sound easy enough, but schedules don’t always align and it can be a real challenge trying to make these things happen. Try making it a priority to do this once a week. That might mean booking weeks in advance or being flexible if something comes up last-minute, but it’s always worth it. The days that include taking an actual lunch with someone vs. eating at my desk or even sitting down for a quick coffee leave me feeling happier and a lot more fulfilled.

This is something I’ve been trying to do more – especially as it warms up – because getting outside is exactly what this California girl needs. I met my husband for lunch, planned a quick last-minute meet up with my friend Josh, and met my friend Kelly for a work brunch too. Sure, I signed on my computer the second I got to 2/3 lunches, but it felt good to step away from my desk and connect.

How to Recharge



I realize this isn’t an option for everyone, but if you have some flexibility in your schedule to work independently for a few hours or from home (something I’m seeing more and more of– even from my friends who work for larger companies), give co-working a try. I love sitting down at a coffee shop with a friend and getting work done. It’s a nice change of scenery and there’s something about the energy of being around friends while working, even when you’re both just typing away. And let’s face it – there’s always time for a little conversation.


Running Errands Together

I really needed a manicure recently and asked two girlfriends if they wanted to join. That errand turned into a fun early evening with the girls – a perfect chance to connect and catch up. Doing something you need to do together, like your nails, or even a grocery store run can be fun!

How to Recharge

How to Recharge


Keep it Casual

Never underestimate how good it feels to spend the evening hanging at one of your places. Cooking, take-out, and a favorite TV show are some of my favorite ways to spend time with a friend.


Pick Up The Phone

This might seem painfully obvious, but a phone call or video chat is such a great way to stay connected with the people you love who aren’t nearby. Scheduling a time to really sit down, relax, and catch up vs. a quick 5 minute phone call here or there can be the best. One of my best friends and I have lived in different states for almost 8 years but we’re still so in touch because we both make the effort.


Try Something New

Just the other week, I headed to the Art Institute with a friend after work. That’s not something I do nearly as often as I should and it was so nice to experience something new and different with someone. Buy tickets to a concert, head to a farmer’s market, or check out a new neighborhood in your town.

This post was sponsored by American Express. All opinions are my own. 


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