Our Story: How We Met on Tinder

It’s Valentine’s Day so I thought today would be a good day to share the story of how we met. This “holiday” may be my least favorite since I prefer white flowers to red ones. I’ll also take gummy candy to chocolate and the term “galentines” makes me cringe a little bit. It’s just a tiny bit too hokey for me, but I do love love. So I’ll stop being bitter and get back to our story. This is one I’ve shared before but also one I get questions about every so often.
Our Story: How We Met on Tinder
We met in May 2015 when we both swiped right on tinder. I had just downloaded the app after going on yet another break. If you’ve tried online/app dating, you know the drill. After x bad dates or awful messages in a row you’re like OK I’M DONE I NEED A BREAK and delete everything only to recreate your profile a few days later.
Or was that just me?
I had been back on for one day and Conor was about a week into his first (and only) round. He had just gotten out of a 2 year relationship 6 weeks before we met and I had just stopped dating a guy with a secret wife, baby, and girlfriend.
We were both in really good places and ready for love.
Our first date
Since we had a few friends in common on Facebook, Conor knew what The Everygirl was. This saved me me from having to explain what I do and how I make money. So when he did a quick google search that took him to my blog and inside my home, it was less weird? Maybe? Super-awkward when you’re trying to get to know someone! I was told he was a nice guy (i.e. not a serial killer) and let him pick me up at my place. This is something you do not let Tindermen do! It also made things feel a lot more first datey. I can still see him standing outside my apartment in his blazer (sharp dresser, that one) waiting for me. I walked out in a leather jacket and ordered tequila (paleo) and he later said he didn’t know what to make of me at first. Ha.
It started with drinks but we ended up getting dinner, too – the sign of a great evening.
I never wondered if he liked me or when I’d hear from him. He texted me the following morning and we pretty much spoke or saw each other every day after that. Conor met me (and some friends) at a horrible Matt and Kim concert two nights later, but saved the night by taking me to his favorite Jazz bar, The Green Mill. Conor canceled a date with another girl that weekend, we both deleted tinder, and 4 days later, he invited me to join him, his mom, and stepdad for drinks on the lake. It was clearly a little early to meet the parents but I didn’t have plans and we had spent the entire day together so why not? We saw each other all but 3 days that first month and a few friends thought it was too much too fast. Even I was like ok, we can’t keep this up.
But we did.
May 19, 2015: Our first date
July 2015: Our first weekend getaway
April 2016: Conor planned on “staying with me until June” (April-October) after he sold his Condo. i.e. we moved in together.
October 2016: We moved in to our current home – my first time living with someone
March 11, 2017: We got engaged!
October 9, 2017: Our wedding
July 2018: We’ll welcome our first baby!
Our relationship
It hasn’t been perfect (nothing ever is and I wouldn’t expect it to be) but short of a few communication issues that we worked through, it’s been so good. He’s one of the easiest people to get along with and I love doing everything or nothing with him. We’ve traveled all over together and even though personality-wise we’re complete opposites, we’re on the same page with all the big stuff.
We told people we met at a yard sale those first few months but eventually embraced our story, because it’s a good one. And if you consider how online my life is, it definitely makes sense that this is how I’d meet someone.
“We’re very different. You are not very breezy. I’m…more breezy?” – Conor
The lesson here is that Tinder / online dating does work.
Sure, it an be exhausting, but that’s dating in general. I love that it’s a part of our story and that I can give hope to other women. Like anything, Tinder is what you make it, and you can weed those people out pretty quickly. Online dating is such a great way to meet people you never would have had the chance to meet. Even if you happened to be at the same place at the same time. So if you’re thinking about it, give it a go.
Engagement photo by Emilia Jane
Kitchen photo by Stoffer Photography Interiors
Paris / wedding photos by Katie Kett