January Desktop Backgrounds

January Desktop Backgrounds are Here!


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It’s a few days into 2022 (ok, officially a week). I can’t believe it and just hope this is the year things start to feel better. I’m feeling so much hope for this year, and for the first time in a long time, was anxiously waiting for January to come around. 2022 is the year that my daughter finishes her treatment for ALL B Cell Leukemia. May will mark 2 years in treatment, and in July, she’ll take her last dose of chemo. It’s been a road, and is one that began just two months after we started isolating, so to say we’re ready for a change would be an understatement. In many ways, I can’t picture life without treatment because for about half her life, it’s all she’ll know. And something else…January Desktop Backgrounds Are Here!

January Tech Backgrounds Are Here

I am also so excited to start 2022 with something fun! I’ve been wanting to do this but had to find the right designer. Enter: Vinutha, @theillustratingdentist.  She’s a doctor and illustrator, and when she replied to my post about creating some desktop background, I fell in love with her illustrations. We started chatting about ideas and she came up with the most beautiful, fun, and chic graphics that we worked into desktop and iPhone backgrounds. Click on the link below each image to download. You can purchase some of her work here, and be sure to follow her here, too.

@theillustratingdentist January Desktop Backgrounds

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January Desktop Backgrounds

You can download this desktop background here


January Desktop Backgrounds by Vinutha
January Desktop Backgrounds by Vinutha

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illustrated desktop backgrounds

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illustrated art style

You can Download this desktop background here


iPhone Backgrounds

iPhone Backgrounds

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french chic iPhone Backgrounds

You can download this iPhone background here

January iPhone Backgrounds

download this iPhone background here

iPhone Backgrounds download

You can download this iPhone background here

download this iPhone background

download this iPhone background