First Day of School Signs

It’s that time of year again. And even though I am still in summer mode, everyone’s going back to school in the next 2-4 weeks! It went by too quickly, and I want to make the most of what we have left. Not because we only have 18 summers with our kids (such garbage – that is not true). But because I love summer. Sure, routines are important, but so is slowing down and enjoying these warm summer days. Like many parents, I’ve started documenting our first and last day photos, and feel pretty committed to continuing this tradition. Keep in mind this will be my second year, but it’s something I’d like to continue.
First Day of School Signs
My first baby will be off to Kindergarten this fall! I can’t believe it. Margot grew so much during pre-k and has she really has come so far. From the obvious physical changes (she’s such a kid now!) she’s learned so much, and has made some best friends. It’s pretty amazing to see how much she grew, and I can’t wait to continue the tradition with her first year of kindergarten! 😭
Those monthly baby photos are kind of a pain. But first and last day of school photos (at least when your kids are little) are my new favorite. In less than a year, it’s truly remarkable how much our kids can change and grow, and the work is minimal – it’s just 2 photos and a sign.
First and Last Day Flags and Margot’s Last Day Dress
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