Life Lately
2012: A Year in Review and Goals for The New Year

I’m not a fan of New Year’s resolutions. In fact–I don’t really make them. I prefer to create a list of goals for the year. Some I know I’ll accomplish (or work my ass off trying) and others I hope to accomplish. I did not do everything on my 2012 list but feel very good about the things I did do. And that’s what it’s all about. Making each year better than the last. 2012: A Year in Review. Read my latest goals for the new year in this post.
2012: A Year in Review and Goals for The New Year
On failure
We make these big statements–I’ll work out every single day, not eat any sugar, etc. and then beat ourselves up when we fail. I spent years saying I’d work out and when I found the right thing for me , I stuck with it. And even though I follow a mostly paleo diet, saying I’ll never have any sugar, never indulge on dessert, or never splurge on pizza is crazy. If that works for you, I’d like to know your secret. Jess Lively just wrote something for The Everygirl on this topic, and if you are a person that makes resolutions or goals, I encourage you to read it.One of my goals for ’12 was to end up in the same city as my ex. I went back and deleted that portion of the post after we broke up but wish I hadn’t because it serves as a reminder that we aren’t always supposed to have everything we think we want. This relationship ended up being one of those things I wanted so badly, but I know in my heart that it was not meant to be.
2012 was a great year
I was put to the test–heartbreak and running two businesses among other things. I learned what it really means to be overworked. But there was more good than bad, and the good was…well–pretty damn amazing. We launched The Everygirl. I worked with Banana Republic, Kate Spade, Gap, Career Builder, and The Home Depot (among others) and were featured in Chicago Home and Garden, Glitter Guide, and just four months after launching the site, we made it to Forbes. After trying to figure out a workout routine for 10 years, I found CrossFit. My old apartment was featured in Rue Magazine, and I moved to a new place (which will be featured on TEG and another site in the next few months). I can say without any uncertainty that in spite of the
struggles I’ve gone through, it just keeps getting better.
I like to view the new year as a fresh start. A chance to organize, move on from the things that didn’t go so well, and look forward to better things in the coming year. I spent most of the weekend organizing my home, worked out, and I am ready for a fresh start. Ready to give it my all and make ’13 the best year of my life. So here it is. My list of goals for 2013.
Grow Our Website
I have some big dreams for TEG. There is still so much we’d like to do and I am so excited to see where ’13 takes us.
Work out
I have some big goals for CrossFit including a 100+ lb. push press, handstand push-ups, double unders, and Rx WODs. Full post on this coming tomorrow. I am also back on the paleo challenge with Gina, Maxine, and Bri! I have a little stomach bug and can only really eat crackers and soup right now (not paleo) so I start tomorrow. If any readers want to join in, please email me!
Challenge myself
I’ve stepped outside my comfort zone a lot the past few years–moved to Chicago, started a second business, weight lifting/a type of exercise that scared the hell out of me etc. and I would like to continue to push myself in ’13. This means learning the ins and outs of my camera, actually using my camera instead of always relying on my iPhone, and not just finding a few recipes and repeating them over and over (I am so guilty of this) among other things. I would also like to continue to do my best to be this honest with all of you when I can.
I had a goal to make it to Paris and London by my 30th last September but sadly, it didn’t happen. New goal is to make it there by Sept 17–before I turn 31. I have my travel buddy (shocker) selected and everything. I’d also love
to go to Mexico (or anywhere tropical that involves me unplugging from
everything). I need a vacation so badly.
Read the classics
I’d love to re-read The Great Gatsby and want to read a few classics that I haven’t read but wish I did.
I’d like to make an effort to connect with the friends I do not see as often as I should. I think starting a girls night club (kind of like a book club minus the books) once a month is a great idea. Taking turns hosting something in each of our homes–a chance to connect and have a little fun.
I’d like to start putting money aside again this year. Things were tough financially for most of the year and I dipped into my savings. I am working really hard toward only buying things I need right now, and I am thrilled that I can expect to make more in the coming months.
Find love
The past year was all about The Everygirl. I was able to completely devote myself to the launch without any distractions, and
then dive head-first into CrossFit. These two things are still obviously very important to me, but I feel like I’m finally ready for more. I’ve been living alone for 2.5 years and have created a great life here in Chicago. I’d just love someone to share it with. I know that it will happen when it should and that it might not be this year but I’m going to add this to the list anyway.