9 random thoughts

I started this post at around 9AM but had Kate attached to me and it wasn’t working. My friend Katie asked if I could meet her for lunch and I ran out the door. I’ve officially seen her more the last few days than I have the last year. Then I got back to work at 3:30 (on my walking treadmill, of course) but didn’t finish. So It’s 10PM and I’m wrapping up in bed while watching parenthood. But I went to lunch, so it’s worth working late.  Here are 9 random thoughts this week. 


9 Random Thoughts: What’s On My Mind This Week


After months of no childcare, we have a sitter again and I’m just ready to dive in and work. And I might even throw on a mask and go to a yoga or pilates class. We’ll see. But it’s going to be a great week! Minus my mini-oral surgery tomorrow but it’s no big deal. A few months ago, I had a back tooth pulled and tomorrow, get the implant post put in. The tooth will go on top in another 3 months once it heals. But perspective. It’s fine. I’m fine. Other than that, I’m just diving into writing and producing content and starting to do some pre-move organizing. And I have a call to discuss that potential business concept I touched on months ago this Friday. We’ll see what happens, but it’s exciting to think about. I am all over the place this week so here’s a little weekly recap/what’s on my mind this week.


We close on our new house next week!

And we’re meeting with our kitchen designer two days later. It takes forever to get cabinets and appliances, so we’re planning on doing the kitchen next spring/summer. I can’t wait to get in there, but the decision fatigue is very real. Sofas and chairs were ordered, so we’re hoping to have furniture by Christmas. 🙃 The world is on back order. I need to decide on window treatments and paint – all good things, but choosing fabric feels like such a commitment. I want to add some color and pattern, but keep it all timeless vs. trendy. 


Childcare is amazing 

And she’s wonderful with the girls. Margot was just like “bye mom” and has had so much fun with her. Kate had one good day but has otherwise been next-level clingy. I don’t remember Margot being like this (not comparing) but I have zero tricks here. I’m carrying her on walks because she won’t go in the wagon or stroller and can’t leave the room without her crying. Getting work done has been pretty difficult. 


Cometeer coffee is fantastic

I’m going to write a full review because it’s different from nespresso in terms of prep, but wow it’s that good. Sometimes you have to give in to an Instagram ad. You can use this link for $25 off your order (not in partnership with the brand – but I get $ off my next order. They flash freeze it, so you thaw it out and pour it into water or almond milk and it’s just so damn good. The best iced latte I’ve ever made at home. 


Turns out I’m a nightgown person

I thought I’d try this nightgown since I love the print and wow. I love it! Just ordered a second one. 


The blue and white nap dresses are selling out

Get one before they’re gone! And size down – I never ever wear an XS but it fits perfectly. I do have a small and it fits but is a little large on top which again, is unheard of for me. Trust me and size. down. 


I was talking about how much happier I am now than I was years ago

My friend Katie and I were talking about how good it feels to live again over lunch today. She mentioned how much easier things were in 2019, and while that’s true, if this makes any sense, cancer and the pandemic aside, I am actually much happier now. I’m living a life that is so much more aligned with who I am. I’m still working full-time (when I have childcare) but no longer feel like I’m under someone else’s control or like I’m chained to Slack. The hard parts of the last two years will never feel worth it (unless I somehow help fund new treatment options or a cure) but I am beyond grateful to be where I am right now. To see Margot where she is right now. I value giving people freedom. Trusting them to get their work done with flexibility, treating them with respect, and not treating blogging like it’s this more important than it actually is job. Because it’s not. 


It’s Pride month! 🏳️‍🌈

If you’ve been following me for a while, you know how much I love our Toniebox. Well, there’s a Pride Tonie and it’s incredible. It talks about LGBTQ+, pronouns, and explains things in a simple, child-friendly way. I explained Pride to Margot last year but really love this as a resource for kids and parents, too. 


Finding Your Purpose

Finding out why you're here, what you were meant to do, and who you're meant to be.
Read the Post


It’s time to take action if you haven’t

I have been thinking a lot about recent events and want to make sure we’re not forgetting what happened. If you’re looking for a way to take action, please call on Congress to reinstate the assault weapons ban. Here’s a great resource for you.


I have been getting a lot of questions about sources in our home

I get at least a handful of questions about rugs, wallpaper, etc. every week. Just a reminder that if you search what you’re looking for on my blog it will likely come up. I’ve been working on making the most commonly asked Qs searchable, so if you search “white paint” a blog post comes up.


I’m planning my first party in 3 years

Now that it’s warm and we’ve been given the ok (from our oncology team) to see friends outside, I decided to throw a little backyard party for the girls. The party will be in a few weeks, before both the girls’ birthdays, Margot’s surgery, and our move. It feels like a really special way to end the time in our first home. Stay tuned for more party details. I had plans to keep it simple and I kind of am but also have no choice but to make it special for my girls.