Making a Major Life Change

Even though I’ve had a few weeks to process this news, this announcement feels like a big deal. Making a major life change is huge, and sharing it here makes it (really) real. In 2012, I cofounded The Everygirl. I was in my late 20s, single, had zero connections, and wanted to help other women feel inspired. Looking back, it all feels like such a blur. I spent $3000 (a good chunk of my savings at the time) to start our website. I poured everything I had into building a business from scratch. The company and team grew to over a dozen full-time staffers and many talented interns and contributing writers. I have made the decision to step down from The Everygirl.
Making a Major Life Change
Why am I stepping down?
If you’ve been following me the last few months, you may not be surprised by this news. My daughter was diagnosed with Leukemia right before her second birthday. I took a medical leave to get her through treatment, and had a baby just over a month later. At that point, I went on “maternity leave” if you can call it that. I hoped to return to work in the fall but treatment is consuming. The end of maternity leave happened to line up with the start of the most aggressive block of treatment. Childcare was not a safe option for my immunocompromised toddler. Even if it had been, she needed me. I made the decision to take the rest of the year off and to return full-time in early 2021.
We got closer and closer to January and knew we still had a long road ahead.
We couldn’t have childcare for months due to a pandemic, so I started to weigh my options. I thought about what we needed now and what I wanted long-term, too. Working is something I enjoy, but it has to look different. Being a leader wasn’t for me. And I found myself dreading going back. The time away and treatment opened my eyes, and then it happened. Conor asked why I planned on returning when I had been unhappy for so long. And there it was.
Some partnerships don’t work out
The nonstop nature of running two websites was fine before I became a mom but it started to take a toll. When two founders work so differently, sometimes, it’s best that one step down. It doesn’t always work out, and that’s ok. Stress levels were higher than I ever wanted them to be. I was never in it to have a certain title and being a boss wasn’t for me. I did not thrive telling people what to do. The site was and is wonderful. I loved the original mission, but my role was so far removed from that.
I’d rather enjoy my days then push really hard, have no life, and try to make a lot of money. In the end, I made the decision to leave the day-to-day operations. It is a privilege to be able to make this decision, and one that I do not take for granted.
Making a Major Life Change
Thinking about future plans
We won’t look for childcare until it feels safe, but in a perfect world, I’ll have help and work with flexibility. I’m also one of the cofounders of Anecdote but never had time to be involved. I had another company to run and then Margot’s diagnosis and a new baby. Truly insane circumstances. Both Anecdote and my blog would offer a lot of flexibility and more time with my girls. And time to take care of myself and to enjoy life a little bit. What’s the point of working for yourself if you can’t enjoy your life a little bit?
We’ve been robbed of so much with this pandemic and treatment, and I want to make the most of the next few years while my girls are little. The time at clinic, hospital stays, time away from Kate. Isolation. It’s time for a change. This is what’s best for my family, and is what’s best for me, too.
Thank you to our team, readers, and partners for helping grow The Everygirl. And to my family, friends, and all of you for your support and understanding as I navigate this next chapter.