
Are you looking to eat a little cleaner and healthier this holiday season? Or do you want to feel a little less guilty when making something sweet? Or maybe you just want to feel better. If that’s the case, this post is for you. I’ve rounded up some of my favorite paleo and gluten free holiday treats (like these gluten free cookies) to enjoy this holiday season. Here are 15 paleo desserts to make this Christmas. See more holiday content here.


15 Paleo Desserts to Make this Christmas


I know we won’t be making all of these treats over the holidays, but we should make a few, right? I plan on it. We can finally gather again, and I’d love to put a little treat board together. I can’t wait to sit by the fire watching movies and drinking cocoa with my girls. 


Grain free gingerbread pancakes

I love pancakes, and these gingerbread pancakes are the perfect Christmas morning breakfast.


Paleo chocolate silk pie

I’m not a chocolate person but for this pie, I’ll reconsider. 


Paleo immunity boosting hot cocoa

Ok, so I just said I wasn’t a chocolate person but I do love cocoa. 


Almond flour cinnamon rolls

These cinnamon rolls look like heaven, don’t they? 


Grain free chocolate peppermint muffins

You love peppermint or you don’t. I’m pro-peppermint bark, chocolate, and pretzels. 


Paleo shortbread cookies

What is it about shortbread cookies? They’re so sweet and have this wholesome-ness to them. My family loves these! 


Paleo coffee cake

Oh. My. God. This is good.


Gluten free and vegan pecan pie cookies

Not really a pecan person, but wanted an option for those of you who are.


Vegan eggnog

Also not an eggnog person, but if you are, I have you covered.


Paleo gingerbread men

I’m excited to make gingerbread men with my girls this Christmas.


Paleo hot cocoa cookies with vanilla bean frosting


Raw berry vanilla bean cheesecake


Paleo gingerbread muffins


Whipped peppermint mocha chia pudding